Thompson viper

Viper FilmStream. Camera System. Uncompromised Digital. Cinematography. Grass Valley™ products from Thomson offer the industry's most comprehensive. 23 Apr 2019 Thomson - Viper (id - 114759) - TV-BAY KITPLUS Broadcast Equipment Sale, Film Equipment Sale Video Equipment. De Thomson Viper Filmstream is een professionele digitale videocamera die een zeer hoge kwaliteit biedt, in sommige opzichten vergelijkbaar 2 Jun 2015 - 35 secI show a grade i made for a teaser called Codigo Reset recorded with the thomson grass valley. Even the people at Thomson aren't going to argue with you that 35mm is better. They are very clear to always tell people that the Viper is not a replacement. 20 Jun 2018 About eleven stops, although they clip in a reasonably nice, analogue-CCD sort of way. If you overlook the weird black-pixel overflow errors. 2 Mar 2007 David Fincher's "Zodiac" Shot With Grass Valley Viper FilmStream of the Grass Valley™ Viper FilmStream Camera™ system from Thomson. 10 Movies Shot On Thomson Viper Camera - Cloverfield, Penvriendin, Road Nine, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Zodiac, Collateral, Silence Becomes. For more detail refer to the white paper “The Viper Exposed”. According to Is FilmStream a proprietary media transportation method of Thomson? FilmStream.